

The True Meaning of Girl Power | Artsis Studio

This time around, Kembara Kraf Selangor 2017 brought a refreshing flavor, one that I initially thought was a great idea, later spellbounded by the sincerity, intention (niat) and generosity that I definitely knew there’s hope in our community, humanity and country. (Yeah I know! Sounded a little dramatic but in all honesty, this is how I really felt). And this is how my self-reflection journey started…

A family that creates Art together, stays together.

That was how Uncle started his conversation, believing that art keeps his family united. He even jokingly told us that his love for art was not materialize during his younger days hence him imposing it onto his children, of which, it really paid off. Alhamdulillah. I doubt there’s any regret among them, in fact, I think they rather enjoy it (and appreciate it of cause). Fast forward years later, they are now a known artist in their own right; a career woman that combines passion and academic – successful marketers, graphic designer, PR specialist and town planner. And as if what they’ve achieved is not (good) enough, they decided to give back to the community by starting an art class for kids in the neighbor, hopefully expending to adult art class (of which I plan to enroll *wink*).

Having honored by The Malaysia Guinness Books of Records for having the most artist in a family created the curiosity in me, reason being their abah, fondly called by the children; Dato’ Haji Mohd Yusoff Jaafar was the former Commissioner of Police, Sarawak. Police force; a person whom many would presumably felt strict, fierce and boring. And Oh Boy! Was I wrong, he was everything but. He not only instilled the love for art into his kids at young age, he cultivated their talent, nurtured their genre and supported their interest. Unsurprisingly, some of his kids not only have painting as talent, they are also actively involved in music – also a form of art. This can be seen is some of their artwork.

Like a little Cheshire cat, I asked further, the genre of each of the sibling’s artwork, and the same time learning the name of the genre. Killing 2 birds with 1 stone I call it *grin*. I soon learn those painting with human element where in photography is called portraiture is called figurative in painting (correct me if I am wrong here), noticed that some of the sign-off is by Yati; the eldest sister. Then there’s Van Gogh style, one that looks like Starry Starry Night; not quite sure which sister mastered this genre, then there’s also naïve art of which I kinda like it. But one that captivated me the most is the sister (forgotten her name, silly me) that dotted on her paintings, claiming that she doesn’t fancy ‘a flat/solid surface’ and I told her that the first thing came to my mine is Australia aborigine art. I bet she’ll be famous if she exhibits her work of art there. You go girl!

My curiosity need to be fed, I enquired on the format of the art classes for kids. Guiding and nurturing kids’ talent is what we ‘all expected, but as usual, the family when over and beyond to teach these kids, they taught them to see beyond the bubble’, as it is not colourless, it came in many sizes and that it glitters. Grasp that and translate it onto the drawing board. Aside from that, the classes also share the background of the artist itself, the genre and history behind it. This way, the understanding and appreciation of art is more robust, more depth and full of soul, not a mere 2Ds; on a piece of paper.

After asking my usual ‘Why, When, Who and What’, I came to realized that I actually ran out of questions (which is kinda rare for me, those whom know me well will vouch for this).

‘Teruja’ and ‘terkesima’ is an understatement when you meet them Art Sis; a true to life Girl Power.

So, step aside Power Puff Girls, bow to them queens! *flip tudung*

Artsis Studio
Email :
FB Page : Artsis Studio
Instagram : @artsisstudi
Mobile : +6018-327 0902
Town : USJ 9, UEP Subang Jaya

Kembara Kraf Selangor 2017 Fam Trip is in collaboration with UPENS (Unit Perancangan Negeri Selangor) and all its sponsors with #GayaTravel as media coordinator.

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