

Makassar | Snorkeling in Kodingareng Keke & Samalona Island

Ever since my Redang snorkeling experience and upon me getting my diving license (even though I haven’t dive since then), I have become more friendly towards the sea, seeing it in a different light. The seas are no more foreign, wild and dangerous, it is now being perceived as beautiful, colourful and exciting with perhaps, a little bit of ‘worry’ lah. I was looking forward to snorkel during this trip, they say we have 2 snorkeling trips – in Makassar and Gili Trawangan. I can’t wait.

During our first leg, we were scoop to a nearby island just out of Makassar; Kodingareng Keke Island and Samalona Island. Not knowing what to expect (despite that I have googled we will be covering), I brought as per listed by Leya; a typical beach activities must have – sunblock, dry bag, change clothes, sunglasses, hat, towel, flipflops etc. You know, the usual.

Kodingareng Keke Island
We were taken to Kayu Bangkoa jetty, located 5 mins from out hotel; Aston Hotel Makassar to Kodingareng Keke Island. Located 1.5 hours from Makassar and 30 mins from Samalona Island, Kodingareng Keke is actually  sand bed island that consist of a hut and covered structure for picnickers. It is said that Kodingareng Keke is one of the eleven islands located out of Makassar. It is famous for its seascape, marine life and corals; heaven for snorkelers and divers.

If you wish to do an impromptu snorkeling activities, be prepared to part with IDR100,000 for a 1 hour trip for 3 person. You will be taken in a catamaran like small boat few hundred meters away from the island. Do be extra careful as the current here is pretty strong.

For you divers out there, there is an under the sea Atlantis Garden that you can visit during your dive trips. The Atlantis Garden or Patung Patung was created in order to grow artificial reef, help the marine life and ecosystem in the Makassar Straits. Aside from Roman sculptures, a Volkswagen van was aslo sunken to create a more diversified artificial reef seascape.

Samalona Island
Best time to visit both islands is around June-September, unlike Kodongareng Keke, Samalona offers small and simple guesthouse, also known as Kapoposang. The guesthouse here is operated by the Makassar Dive Centre. You can also plan a lunch trip here from Kodongareng Keke and you won’t be disappointed as they will be serving their specialties such as cumi masak tinta (squid cook in ink), grilled fish, sambal belimbing buluh and etc. Trust me, you will not regret it.

Overnight : IDR 300.000 – IDR 400.00 per house
Non overnight : IDR 150.000 – IDR 200.000 per house
Bathroom : IDR 15.000 per person

Spermonder Iskands

There’s a debate among the experts stating there are 115 or 117 islands in the Spermonde archipelago, sprawling off the coast of Makassar, to up north into Pangkep, south into Takalar and west towards Borneo: estimating home to 30,000 people. The closest islands to Makassar aside from Samalona and Kondingareng Keke are Kayangan, Lae-Lae and Gusung, which is also popular for local weekenders. This Spermonde archipelago is rich in biodiversity; popular for clown fish (nemo), anemones, nudibrach, sharks, dolphins, and reefs.

#TravelTips 1 : Please bring sunblock, dry bag, change clothes, sunglasses, hat, towel, flipflops and a lot of water. Don’t forget your cameras yah! *wink*
#TravelTips 2 : These 2 islands are suitable for picnickers, so do pack your lunch so that you can stay longer and enjoy the sun and sea.
#TravelTips 3 : Boat rental to Samaloma Island cost approximately Rp. 350.000 – Rp 400.000. Feel free to negotiate.
#TravelTips 4 : Boat rental to both island will cost approximately Rp. 500.000 – Rp 600.000. Feel free to negotiate.
#TravelTips 5 : The boat can fit 8-10pax.
#TravelTips 6 : Jetty opens as early as 8am in the morning.

Trip of Wonders– Indonesia Social Media Fam Trip is in collaboration with Tourism Indonesia.

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